Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I told you weekends are the best periods of my life and this past Saturday just strengthened and proved it further. God, I am very glad I have awesome people in my life. One of them ought to be free if the rest aren’t. Right ? (:
The agenda was achieved, of course though it was a very last minute put-together. After printing out the pictures and buying the mega cool burnbook, we sat at mc café laughing over the fact that we totally had no glue or double sided tape. That was our bad! So, while tearing and pasting of the pictures, we just had to let out our laughing gas due to Cheryl’s bimbo acts!
Let me share with you one of the jokes she tried to pull off yesterday.
I was getting my iced passion drink so after tasting the drink; I realized it was tasteless so I asked Cheryl, “Need to add syrup (C-RUP) is it?” Then this bimbo girl here went , “ Are you C-RIOUS??” She was looking at the two of us, waiting for a laugh with her eye focus shifting from Aqila to me and back again. HAHAHAHAHA what a funny joke. HA. HA. HA. HA. Gila betul itu punye minah. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA omg. We’re turning into minahs! GOODNESS. Cheryl is influencing me too much! LOL(:
Our burn book is insanely awesome, I swear! It’s all up to Tessa to fill it in, right (th)2?
Dinner was very filling although I ate half of the baked rice but it was greattttttt . Birthday girl choose one what right? So latest news on NYP, TP and IJC were spilled all over the dinner table but it was always great catching up with those town burners!(:
Laughing, sarcasm, the usual hilarious expressions and latest gossips and news were obviously present, as always.
I can’t wait for the next one, reallyyyyyyyyy
After much walking and phototaking sessions, we decided to call it a night but let’s just say the birthday girl and I wasn’t in the mood for another round of home early so I decided to join my class mates for the ManU soccer match against Chelsea since they asked me along earlier on. The two of us were pretty lost since it was our first time in Tanjong Pagar and felt like 2 lost souls in that generally peaceful place. Since we were only able to join them around half time, Raj, Haja and Pradeep fetched us at the exit d around that time and we were welcomed with the news that ManU was a goal down and my old flame, Vidic had to be substituted out due to a busted mouth! SADDDDDD
Soooooo, even though we lost, Tessa and I came to a conclusion that we wouldn’t mind watching matches therewith them again! Except that the next time, I will not show up in skinnys anymore! The humidity was unbearable, trust me! HOHOHOHOHOHOHO.
This is my pw group. Aren't they awesome?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
&& so I ended the week now at my anorexic cousin’s place. Oh, did I mention that I spent my late afternoon at the woodlands stadium?! Hahaha, firstly, I was in the mood for running, no questions ask please. Secondly, I’m having sports heats tomorrow and I feel no confidence at all running for
That entire aside, this week was very wacky, with new rumors arising in 0812C! HAHAHA. I still love the class though. Very funny batch, really. As time pass, we’ll grow closer together, I’m sure. “Together, together, woohoo” I love neyo. HA!
awesomeeeeeeeeee. I had this with Aqila last week.
Anyway, it’s so funny how we’re getting very influenced by our mothers. They are a great role model, but besides that, their excruciatingly lame jokes are really getting to us ‘til we ourselves can’t help but play along!
It goes like this: So first scenario, I’d keep saying sorry to her and getting fed up with the repetition, she’ll say:
“ sorry, sorry, aku bagi kau coli baru tau!”
3rd scenario: “Katak, katak aku bagi
4th scenario: “ cool, cool, aku bagi kau stool bau tau!”
5th scenario: "blog, blog aku bagi kau goblok baru tau!"
6th scenario:" ape je, ape je, aku bagi kau PAGER baru tau!"
&&& that’s how the entire process goes. It may not be funny now, but the mut accent that came along with it brings about a one in a lifetime priceless sentimental value, no kidding!(:
Hmmm oh yaaa, one more.
I have econs and physics test on monday. I will have to give up a partial part of one of it! I have town to visit tomorrow, and it’s for reason! And pw meeting on Sunday! Tell me, where is that empty slot huh?!
I’ll try and hope to manage.
OH, my phone’s working fine now after an entire 24 hours of being cut off. Don’t bother asking me why. It’s still a very unfair situation/
Okay, I think I better turn in. I have heats and town tomorrow(:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
21st of april will be miss rosazlin! YOU ARE MISSED BABE! HAHA WE WILL HAVE A CATCH UP SOOON, ALRIGHT!? So enjoy the seventeen life(:
Still, thursday will be a very long day. I'm glad i have a class who has a great manu fan base and there's a manu vs barcelona match tomorrow morning. God, please wake me up!(:
You're still leaving me with doubts, yet im longing for you.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008

But these girls are enough to make a class of 26 a rowdy one!:)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
my my, pi due on friday and i'm still struggling! After getting back our second draft, i'm as low as ever:(
Seriously, i never saw it coming AT ALL. Jc life is unpredictably moving at a breakneck speed 'til I MYSELF feel like its almost impossible. TSK TSK TSK
Monday, April 14, 2008
School was very very constructive today cause I'm finally getting the concept of the world of physics. Jie ling and i came up with an 'abnormally abnormal' theory that i find very very smart!(:
And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
basically, i made a fool out of my myself many times and most importantly, i spent a shitload of money on clothes and shoes. I bought another pair of vans for school! *HAPPY*
Aqila and I made a fool out of ourselves cause we were pretty confident that there was gonna be zouk flea market! SEEE LAAA, don't want to listen to other people! HAHAHA. We went there to check it out anyway, hoping to prove other people wrong and well in short, we're just very stubborn there!
Nevertheless we were starving and so grabbed something to munch and in the process, missing our shuttle bus. HOW GREAT IS THAT? We were lucky that singapore's public transport is pretty efficient.
Next stop: Lime flea market
Woah, i wasn't supposed to be spending much since i brought about half of my usual dosh spendings so Aqila, being the ever so perfect financial advisor did a pretty good job in controlling my expenses. I was very proud of myself, especially around halfway the journye through the market i came to realise that Aqila had already bought 3 tops worth 12 bucks when my bag is only filled with one pathetic yellow tunic that cost only 4 bucks! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!
Then i met my Rini and her friends and Farihin seri and Cheryl. Well ,after the usual searching and diving through piles and luggages of new tastes, we had dinner at burger king . Town was packed with weird people though. You know, people with millions of piercings everywhere, red/yellow/bright green skinnies and even those with shades when the night was looking ohsobright(: tsk tsk tsk, It's getting so scary to be surrounded by them . But most importantly, those blowing all sorts of nicotine into my face, woah i will so lose my patience very very very soon.
That's so chic. HA!
We were being ourselves, as always.
I feel so dumb now cause i left my unfinished library book on the seat while waiting for the train. STOOOOOOOPID NOW IM DEPRESSED . I WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING!
Oh you know, i was reading this article on the net that states that life is inversely proportionate to the number of days in life. SO as the number of days increases, the shorter is your life. Imagine, everyday you wake up to the morning sunshine and then you realised that it's all just a few distractions to trick your mind into not thinking about the fact that you're getting closer and closer to the end of your life! HOW SNEAKY!
That would also shorten the time given to you to finish up your studies,travel around the world, expand your social circle, get a boyfriend, get married, have kids and then relaxxxx. OMG
Alright, that was rather random but i had to admit, it IS true.
I just feel like we are in the same room but lives in two worlds apart and its causing too much pain.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Well well well, it's a Friday and it's always the day when everyone would let it loose; losing the headband, the sling bags and most importantly, losing their nerdy self.
Alright maybe I'm kinda exaggerating now since there's kinda no such thing as letting loose in junior college. I'd be slashed in the throat if the tutors ever found out that I'd rather be in zouk flea than mugging for my upcoming summer test. But I've been home for two whole weekends, can you believe that?! So, don't you think i deserve this break?! BUT I PROMISE TO DO MY PHYSICS AND MATH TUTORIALS BY TOMORROW MORNING SO i COULD HAVE A PEACEFUL MIND WHILE DIVING INTO HEAPS OF NEW TASTESSSS(:
I'm in Tampines starbucks now, in case you're wondering. Since the arrival of this laptop here, I've been heading to every wireless connection there is around Singapore. Unbelievable, typical citizens here. Whatever it is, i like this; sipping my favorite frappe . Anyway, Hanis came over my place after school just now and being such a patient one waiting for me to bathe and choose my outfit. And in case you don't know, I'm not exactly in the speed department when it comes to choosing what to wear, not mentioning the fickle-minded mind of mine. As you can see, I seriously admire her patience self, being able to tolerate my indecisiveness especially.
BY THE WAY, this week have been all about coincidences. I SERIOUSLY CANNOT BELIEVE IT!
Let's see, scenario 1: yesterday, aqila and i were in causeway macs and were talking about my BFF then after minutes later, we totally saw him and i said the most dumbest thingssssss. And i really wonder why i'm still one of the PURE SUCKERS AT THIS KIND OF THING. WHYYYYY NURUL WHY?!?
scenario2: I'm in tampines now and i needed the restroom badly! So i asked a couple of TJC girls to watch my belongings while i cleared some bowels. And to my utter surprise, i saw Seri and Ruzaini together! I think even my stomach got to caught up with the shock that i kinda lost the need to use the restroom! HAHAHA. Ruzaini was my primary school friend who used to call me the "alim" one. Hahahahaha now eat those words mannn. By the way, he just happened to be seri's cousin and they happened to be talking about me just a few moments ago!!!!GOD, SMALL WORLD SMALL WORLD (:
And Liyana and Seri just came to visit me just moments agooooo
I will see all my favourite people tomorrow, yaynesss.
it will just have to be memories i guess
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I think i might as well ask for a job application form from the starbucks manager in civics, right fauzi?
School again tomorrow and i'm gonna be home really late since starbucks will be visited again. This time, i hope this skinny bitch will pay! *winks* HAHA!
Please tell the skinny bitch on the right that she is NOWHERE NEAR FAT.