Ask me for the new link online yea.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
I practically slept the entire day today !
Watched the two seasons of SAW with Rini, my sister and brother 'til the wee morning. I ended up chatting and watching tv even after the two movies. Either still stunned and shock from the gore in it or the red bulls were doing me some justice. The next thing i knew, my mom was up to do her morning prayers and was getting ready for work. Damn, the eye bags under those eyes are so taking over my entire face. heh, i've been exaggerating alot nowadays.
I'm hooked onto 90210 and Gossip Girl at the same time, can you believe that?! Chuck's mybass, Ethan's a new beginning. hahahahaha
Anyway, it's finally Tuesday tomorrow and Rinny and I are trippin' over it! Excitement here to stay, at least until tomorrow! I had a pretty hard time to decide 'bout the outfit, but hey, it's all worked out now. I think i should get an early night so i'll be up all night tomorrow =)
& the yearnin inside your heart ain't there anymore
And you know that you're through when he don't do to you
& move you like the way he moved you before
And you wanna pull him close,
but your heart has froze
you kiss him but his eyes don't close
Then he goes out of your heart forever
and it hurts you but you know that it's better
Could this be it?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I'm feeling sad now. Feelings come and go, so do the people in your life, isn't it true?
Sometimes i wonder what did i ever do wrong to make them go.
Anyway, that aside first, my Saturday was kinda fun and entertaining. Met up with Hairul, Farihin, Seri and Izzah for pool in the afternoon. I was a noob in pool, as always. But after being taught by Seri and Hairul time and time again, i guess i got a hang of it soon enough. Seri had to go off halfway due to some news back at home. So the 4 of us continued and we got really hungry later on, especially with Hairul being half dead on the food table! During lunch/dinner, we were suckers in his jokes once again so imagine Farihin's face almost inches away from her Hokkien mee. That was how much of an effect Hairul's jokes have on us! Just when we thought the worst was over, after izzah left, Rafi joined us soon after. With the combination of them both, there was no stopping the laughing gas from escaping!
Rafi: eh sini ade masjid tak?
Hairul: Ade. Kat belakang ice box rumah aku!
Rafi: oh, Al- Ice box eh?
Well, it wasn't that funny but apparently the sound of their laughs plus their reaction was utter priceless i swear!
Plus, Hairul brought his dslr cam so we snapped away! I especially got my hands right on that thing. However, the memory is effing huge to be sent through Msn or email so I guess through thumbdrive would have to make the cut then. So as for now, i don't have effing awesome pictures to show! I did bring my camera though, but it was being a bitch so wasn't functioning as welll.
The noob in action. Sure Nurul Sure.
Izzah and Farihin

See, its dslr crazy i tell you.
Because of you i believed in real guys but because of you too, I'm afraid to fall in love again.
Friday, November 21, 2008
eh surprisingly someone didnt complain to me uh !
; riniee says:
hahahahahahaha after EVERY haircut, I'd always complain to two people!
Aqila and Rini.
Surprisingly, i didn't this time round, cause it turned out to be EXACTLY how i wanted it to be! HEH. I know i told a million people that i snapped my long hair and making it short for the holidays. Well, hate to break it to ya, it's just short in my eyes! HAHAHA
So, i guess it won't be what many of you expected!
It's of a lighter highlight though!
Before the shopping date, i met Rinny to go Rp to meet Rini. Funny how i know two RINN(Y/I) in my life huh? hahaha. Anyway, met Rini to pass her the money to be passed to Adam for Tuesday's plan. Rinny and I are getting excited over it right now!
So, shopping date with mom turned out to be a shopping date with mom and dad. I almost forgot how it refreshing it felt to be an only child in the house and being pampered by their love (and money? HAHA. Well, i kinda had the chance to feel that for the first two years of my life and i just got a flashback of that for about 4 hours of my current life. HAH! Well, it turned out to be better than expected. I just got my November holidays' allowance! I think i'm turning into one hell of a spoilt brat. I don't even earn the cash but hey, this won't last, I'm sure.Especially after my As next year! BOOHOO.

I love them, no matter what.
okay, right now, I'm hooked onto 90210.
Damn, they have got to stop filming addictive hot tv shows like these.
Still, Gossip girl's still my number one favourite.
I've plans, do you?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sooner than it seems, life turns around
So anyway, I’ve finally gotten a hold of the 0812C pictures from Monday’s outing. They’re still the best bunch of people to be known as a class, though there were some who couldn’t make it. Nevertheless, we had fun throwing flour at one another, dragging/ carrying people into the water, eating the melted cake using just one knife to feed all while playing beach volleyball, playing the monkey game in the water, showering half naked with the girls ( HAHAHA!) and just being around them kinda left no space for any negative thoughts to intrude. Unfortunately, I couldn’t join them for dinner due to some restrictions/ curfews I gotta abide for awhile now.
Oh, i think jie ling did a terrific job to make it all work out!=)Luckily, Cheryl and jie ling brought theirs (:

then after some delays, it was the birthday bash! (:

Happy birthday you November babies! =)

After playing in the water and all, it was dinner time and they had a blast i bet, while i was in my dad's car heading home :(

Now i can't wait for 0812C chalet part 2. It'll be a blast I'm sure =) HEH.
As for today, i think i'll go for a swim later on.
Tomorrow’s a Friday and I’ve got a date with my mom.
First things first, a trip to the salon.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We told Ros, " We do ugly faces kk!" BUT LOOK AT HER!

I want to blog about the 0812C outing in East coast park but i figured i shall just wait for all the pictures to be sent to me first. Anywhos, Happy birthday Bee stings, Raj and Heesang!=)
Tuesday today was mostly a gossip girl day for me. Met Ravin in wheelocks starbucks to get some 90210 episodes from him. Was supposed to pop by on the guys' shopping outing; Ahmad, Raj, starsky and their friend, joel but i guess i gotta rush home. I need to start being a good kid around the house now before things start getting outta hand.
I will be a good daughter from now on okay. I promise i'll try =)
Now i'm planning tuesday's event with Rinny.
I hope we'll make it there.
Right Rinny?!??!
memories will be memories
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I guess I’ve been pretty down these past few days and I’ve affected many people. I’m sorry I made you guys worry. I’m getting up now and I’ve already promised someone I’ll recover. I’ll take one step at a time and I’ll just hope I reach there. Wherever there is. It has been a bumpy road, but as bumpy as it is, there’s still a light at the end of the road right? And if there’s one quote that I’m gonna live by from now on, it’s gotta be “ Live every moment like it’s your last”
My sister just got back yesterday and she brought me back many goodies and wardrobe flavours too. I’m glad she’s back or I’d die missing another soul! She was never away from home for THAT long alright! Swensens with my beloved brother for lunch before picking her up was awesome too.

Alrighty, i miss you! =)

Friday was supposed to be the Charlie’s angels night but apparently an angel and Charlie himself had last minute plans and I really didn’t want to stay home on a Friday night so I just met my Cheryl minah and I guess we shopped a little and had dinner and supper afterwards.

I guess Christmas's arriving so let's get a headstart yea.
Saturday was supposed to be an outing with my bitch and Haikel but well, it was cancelled last minute so I called Aqila up and we headed to Tanglin flea. Saturday with that woman was great as usual. She never fails to brighten up my day/night with all her witty self, sarcastic jokes, laughter, stories, interesting facts and everythinggggg! Been in the same school for about 11 years and still counting! She have been there through thick and thin with me too definitely. Maybe we'll be in the same uni after IJ ? Hope so! (:
Narcissistic much?
We can actually appear in some reality best friend show and then we can answer all their questions! LIKE HELLO, we don’t even need to nudge/ inform each other with the presence of any (th)2 come on!

Here’s something that have been missing in this blog recently

Abu, abu tsk tsk. haha

Aqila Abu

Nurul Nasyitah

Just live.

Growing years of friendship and still counting.
It's a sunday. Surprisingly, i'm not staying home today. I should be heading to Zouk for flea today and then meeting Rosazlin Rosli,someone i haven't seen since decades ago! =)
guess what?
i've tickets to Zouk out. heh
I'm still trying.