Just once a week, and this is what i get from you?
I'm feeling sad now. Feelings come and go, so do the people in your life, isn't it true?
Sometimes i wonder what did i ever do wrong to make them go.
Anyway, that aside first, my Saturday was kinda fun and entertaining. Met up with Hairul, Farihin, Seri and Izzah for pool in the afternoon. I was a noob in pool, as always. But after being taught by Seri and Hairul time and time again, i guess i got a hang of it soon enough. Seri had to go off halfway due to some news back at home. So the 4 of us continued and we got really hungry later on, especially with Hairul being half dead on the food table! During lunch/dinner, we were suckers in his jokes once again so imagine Farihin's face almost inches away from her Hokkien mee. That was how much of an effect Hairul's jokes have on us! Just when we thought the worst was over, after izzah left, Rafi joined us soon after. With the combination of them both, there was no stopping the laughing gas from escaping!
Rafi: eh sini ade masjid tak?
Hairul: Ade. Kat belakang ice box rumah aku!
Rafi: oh, Al- Ice box eh?
Well, it wasn't that funny but apparently the sound of their laughs plus their reaction was utter priceless i swear!
Plus, Hairul brought his dslr cam so we snapped away! I especially got my hands right on that thing. However, the memory is effing huge to be sent through Msn or email so I guess through thumbdrive would have to make the cut then. So as for now, i don't have effing awesome pictures to show! I did bring my camera though, but it was being a bitch so wasn't functioning as welll.

The noob in action. Sure Nurul Sure.

Izzah and Farihin

I really should start using my dad's camera.

See, its dslr crazy i tell you.

I'm feeling sad now. Feelings come and go, so do the people in your life, isn't it true?
Sometimes i wonder what did i ever do wrong to make them go.
Anyway, that aside first, my Saturday was kinda fun and entertaining. Met up with Hairul, Farihin, Seri and Izzah for pool in the afternoon. I was a noob in pool, as always. But after being taught by Seri and Hairul time and time again, i guess i got a hang of it soon enough. Seri had to go off halfway due to some news back at home. So the 4 of us continued and we got really hungry later on, especially with Hairul being half dead on the food table! During lunch/dinner, we were suckers in his jokes once again so imagine Farihin's face almost inches away from her Hokkien mee. That was how much of an effect Hairul's jokes have on us! Just when we thought the worst was over, after izzah left, Rafi joined us soon after. With the combination of them both, there was no stopping the laughing gas from escaping!
Rafi: eh sini ade masjid tak?
Hairul: Ade. Kat belakang ice box rumah aku!
Rafi: oh, Al- Ice box eh?
Well, it wasn't that funny but apparently the sound of their laughs plus their reaction was utter priceless i swear!
Plus, Hairul brought his dslr cam so we snapped away! I especially got my hands right on that thing. However, the memory is effing huge to be sent through Msn or email so I guess through thumbdrive would have to make the cut then. So as for now, i don't have effing awesome pictures to show! I did bring my camera though, but it was being a bitch so wasn't functioning as welll.
The noob in action. Sure Nurul Sure.
Izzah and Farihin

See, its dslr crazy i tell you.
I hope Thursday comes soon so i can get my hands on those pictures, but before that, Tuesday have got to come first! YESSSS, can't wait =)
Because of you i believed in real guys but because of you too, I'm afraid to fall in love again.
Because of you i believed in real guys but because of you too, I'm afraid to fall in love again.
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