" Nurul, that means barbie( babi) doll is called pig doll la? "- Cheryl
I swear that girl can crack me up everytime i talk to her in school.
A talk with my sister about the current dillema.
" So it's based on recognition instead of for yourself la?" - Ira
& she's smarter than i thought.
Maybe that's the reason behind the decision made before.
So yesterday was a pretty good night i had with some of my bimbos. & let's see, where's that one place that we never hung out much at but have been contemplating to these past few days?
The ultimate supposedly mutt infested, Geylang
Not that I look down on that place, just that it's supposed to be a family based place and a tourist attraction to some, but SOME people are so polluting that place. Still, i'm glad to feel a sense of Hari raya-ness in the atmosphere, so kudos to that!(:
The two of us, heading to Paya lebar and had ourselves a teeny weeny bit addicted to my UNO game in my phone. It was actually pretty fun right Seri? & man, don't we hate jack!
So anyway, Seri was really grinning over the fact that her mom still had her vintage Ray-Ban wayfarers! it's ultra cute i tell you. We had our fair share of trying it out and it looked really good even though it's from the 70s-80s.
So we were kinda roaming around 'til farihin comes and we didn't want to be classified as the Kiasu versions of Sporeans so we waited for the time to come close to at least 6 plus, til we settled down. Mutton chop was awesome, mutton steak and Kway teow for the bimbos.
This is what you get when you're hungry. TSKTSK
Ini mintak kene tampar tau. HAHAA
& when it's break fast time,
I swear there seems to be an invisible refill machine somewhere in my glass cause the sugar cane's height never seemed to budge at alllllllllllllllllll

& then i gave up soon after -___-
We made full use of the two legs we're born with and walked, jaywalked, ran across the street, jumping around ( when we spot ehemm. HAHA), walked, climbed the overhead bridge and walked somemore.
I swear Seri was influencing me and farihin to cross the street in the most daredevil way!
the two of us were such scaredy cats that we'd rather take the traffic lights though they're a distance away! I swear, i'm not ready to end my life there and then!
You should have seen the scenarios, the sound of my gladiators were enough to detect how worried i was to cross the street! Farihin would be running in front of me and when we have safely reached the pavement, we'd turn only to see our dear Seri walking briskly on the road, TEXTING! -__-

Spot the moon.
Seri got a text from a friend that claimed the moon that night was incredible beyond words and we were obviously curious to judge and see it for ourselves!
& we totally almost stood there in amazement.
It may not look ultimately awesome here, but it was i swear!(:

Through the night, we ate and laughed away

Oh before we walked around, Farihin claimed Seri and I would definitely see someone we know.
& surprisingly, it turned out to be true.I saw Syafiq and his girlfriend while Seri saw Norman and his girlfriend.
Hmmmm, is that girl psychic? Only God knows.

& she forgot its just dendeng inside. HAHAHAHA
The fans of raybans.

Nurul Nasyitah, Nurul Farihin, Seri Hidayu
The minah rocker.haha

Farihin loves circles? HAHA

The buttcheeks woman! HAHA
Now and again, we try to stay alive. Maybe we'll turn it all around cause it's not too late
It's never too late.