Friday, May 30, 2008


Kota tinggi was an eye opener for me, not cause of the activities cause honestly speaking, it was nowhere near tough compared to the mt ophir and new Zealand expedition but the obstacles that I had to face along the way was enough to hold me back from moving on.
You can never guess what was the obstacle, really. It was never the rain,mud, leeches, branches, sticks, the weight I had to bring up the gunung panti nor was it the mosquito bites or the distance. So let me let out that particular factor that totally represented the obstacle during the camp.


Believe it or not, this was the absolute obstacle that made me shed tears during the camp. Even the rain during the climb couldn’t beat that. Somehow the food served during the first day of camp turned out to be the reason so I wasn’t the only one suffering.That night, almost everyone was in constipation mode and had their faces plastered with priceless expressions. I couldn’t even afford a laugh since I was in the same state as them. Fortunately for my roommates and the surroundings of the chalet rooms and toilets, I managed to clear half of the ‘poisoned’ bowels in a pretty clean and appropriate conditions compared to those in the mountains! The pain was unbearable and indescribable! But somehow, I secured around 4 to 5 hours of sleep thanks to my class girls, Cheryl, Ying Liang, Alina, and even Cang Ning who was our nurse for that night and the rest of the girls in the room who pretty much suffered the same fate as I did. And just when I thought the nightmare was over, there a part two in the morning ! So I skipped the first activity that morning by resting in the sick bay. Only after that then I could drag my ass to join the rest of the classes in kayaking. Man, I felt a whole lot better! (:

Kayaking was awesome since I managed to kayak back second! With the awesome kayaking of my partners, Haja and Pradeep! (:
Then the expedition up gunung panti was also really fun with the craziness of the 0812C girls and the guys. Wah, they’re super funny and they’re the people that totally made the camp a very exciting one. And I’m proud to say that we are one of the two classes from Alpha division to make it all the way up! Are we the best or what?(:
Trekking at night was the first despite the slight sprain in the ankle, but all in all, it was fine(:

Dog and Bone the next day really bonded the class and I’m really glad I’m put into this class. The rest of the fun i had will just remain in Kota tinggi cause seriously, you gotta be there to know!

Harith is still being an ass right now! HAHA . So people, if you happen to have read his personal message, don’t believe it (: They are no scandals, no kidding!(:

This is the class that I’m really proud of, though there are some guys not in there.

( ying liang still hasn't send me alllll of them but this will do for now)

Jieyu( the guy in blue) is really one hell of a good instuctor and that's just a bonus to a good trip(:

The main quote of the trip?
-originated from hajaR.

HAHAHAHAHA omggg it's still making me laugh like shit right nowww.

I'm in starbucks now since if you really know me, i hate being at home during holidays especially when gossip girl season2 will only start in september. Oh, i found another gossip girl addict yesterday! When Ahmad asked me if i watched Gossip girl, i thought he was going to say his sister or someone else is crazy over it too! HAHAHA He's one of the last people i would even suspect to like it at all! haha but it's really refreshing since i'm able to watch it through a totally different perspective . HOHO

Alright, im getting really bored now since i can't travel that far due to this ankle and toe infection. STILL, i will definitely drag myself to flea market tomorrow. I need to.I have to. I must. Hahaha

I just realised i miss the aiport trip with that minah the day before the kota tinggi trip! I guess i shall post the pictures up ?


You know, toilets are really not all that bad.I seriously have learnt to appreciate the presence of them, especially after the trip!



The (th)2 pose, no kiddingggggggggg (:

There's seriously something spastic about her legs! HAHAHA

The very sensible way of handling paparazzis(:

When we get all green up afte Aqila left:(

Again, Minah's ideaaaa! HOHO

Don't blame me for this, but this was all this MINAH'S IDEA! HAHAHA

And omg, this is really spastic.

Touch rugg match tomorrow was cancelled soi'm free on a saturday!
I told you i will have fun right ?

& so i willllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll



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