I can actually smell my old social life slowly coming back to me. No kidding.
Physics was alright yet, passing it is a whole different thing.
I really rreally need the E here, please.
Yesterday studying session with Hanis in Rp was productive yet, I didn't really get much facts into my head. It was more of a understand the world first before moving on to the memorizing and application.
I think the carpet is a good colour/
Just now, she praised me.
hanis: Nurul, you take really good photos you know. Do you know that?
But looking at this picture, with half her face cut off, i think she'll so strengthten that judgement, wouldn't she?
I realised that i really miss dancing. Especially after watching the rp dance group doing their own thing yesterday. Omg, i recalled how nervous we were before going on stage. Yet, the output brought about a sense of satisfication that is out of this world! So i was thinking if i should join them in the upcoming dance coming up in August. It sounded fun though/
I'll think about it(:
As for now, it's time for math.
I've always liked math but tomorrow will decide whether it's my one true love or not(:
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