Saturday, March 29, 2008

Time check: 3.14am

It is morning. It is already the 29th of march. My head is dying. My brain already dead.I hate having guy problems but i hate having friendship problems moreeeeeee. I'm stubborn but sometimes, it's just not the stubborn part that wants to explain things . Yet, no guy is worth any friendship. God, can't things get anymore complicating?! Instead of solving one problem, now i have more in my hands with the first one still unsolved. Apparently there are more stuff i didn't know about. You know, sometimes i wish i can just live life being anti social. Then no one will judge me. Oh wait, people will obviously do since i am anti social. OH CRAP. Now there's no way out. I know my friends' characters are all different. But it's because i love and trust them alot that i'm telling them everything that's happening in my life. If not, i could just keep everything to myself and live life as it goes. And i just find it hard to take in the fact that they are giving up on me, letting loose of everything. I guess now i am on my own to solve things. I'm sorry i cost you all so much anger and time telling you all about it. I really am. I know you girls have my best interest at heart and i really really really appreaciate it but i guess now i will solve it on my own. I don't want to increase your blood pressure anymore and again, i'll say it again. I am truly sorry if i've changed and if i have told you all too much. I know you girls are tired of listening to my whinings. It's okay, i will not bother you all about them anymore.I will not mention a single thing about that species anymore i promise! Please don't let me doubt friendships cause of something as stupid as that species gender! Sorry superstars:( No guys are worth this.

"Even the best fall down sometime.
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out the doubt that fills my mind"

I miss them toooooo. I just realised i haven't seen them since aqila's birthday which was almost like ages ago! boohoooo.


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