Well, i know i have not been updating. I can't seem to find a suitable time to upload all the pictures onto this almost abandoned blog of mine. Ive been very very ultra packed that i really feel like i haven't been sleeping well lately! Farihin and liyana should know since i called them around 1 or 2 in the morning to spill out some major 411 news! hahaha
Sometimes i realised that life gets very unpredictable as it moves on, don't you think?
And sometimes, there's no use in trying to undo things that have already been done. Don't bother trying to wish that the clock would just turn back so you can redo everything all over again!
Life doesn't work so easy. And that's why they say life is unfair.
ANYWAY, LAST SATURDAY WAS ONE OF THE BEST SATURDAYS I EVER HAD! I met up with all the people ive missed! And it was just greatttt to being able to meet them and of course, share the latest bits of their lives at the moment and being able to reminisce the old memories ! ohman, i miss my (th)2 so much! Besides Aqila, I think i will only get to see the other two hotness next month or something! THAT'S LIKE DECADES:(
We had a alot of fun on saturday. it started out with Tessa, cheryl and I giving Aqila one of the shock of her life. We planned to meet early at TOA PAYOH to create the masterpiece. In the end, we were all later than expected so we kinda rushed through the awesome work YET, IT LOOKED GORGEOUS! Wtd? :D
Yes yesss, we met at TOA PAYOH first before heading to town. What a way to start a saturday right? hahaha wait no offence ros!:D Anyway, Aqila called each of us one by one to ask where were we when we were supposed to already be in town. So i could sense she got kinda fedup that we were all VERY MUCH later than expected! okay, that was our bad! Hahaha but i bet all was forgiven when she saw the three of us with the AWESOME GORGEOUS SPLENDID MASTERPIECE IN THE MIDDLE!:DDDD
So after that, we did the usual , "LEPAK-ING" HAHAHA. Cheryl was so into this whole "slack in malay" that i swear she sounded like a minah! HAHA It's possible okay! Anyway, everything was
awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with them!
I will miss the hotness alottttt:(
Don't ask, really.
Isn't it the hottest thing? :D

So after alot of catching up with my favourite hotness people, i met up with another group of people in my life whom ive never seen since hmmmm let me see, hari raya haji i think ?OHMY. THAT IS VERY LONGGGGGGGGG.
So after alot of catching up with my favourite hotness people, i met up with another group of people in my life whom ive never seen since hmmmm let me see, hari raya haji i think ?OHMY. THAT IS VERY LONGGGGGGGGG.
Anyway, we had lunch at magic wok instead o fthe usual sakura since it was filled with other stomach-growling people! Being with them is always the same, me getting teased, they spilling out gruesome, gory, freaky experiences and stories. But even though it's the same routine almost every time i meet them, IT IS ALWAYS FUN, NO MATTER WHAT!:) Though they can be such a pain in the ass, they are still the bomb batch! I don't know when's the next one but i hope i'll get to see them real soon!
HERE ARE THE PICCAS from the usual late night padang hang outs. you know, i prefer using "hang out" than "lepak" OR "Slack" OMG. How i despise that 5 letter words that was ever invented. GOODNESSSSSSSS.
Ohh i forgot, we stopped by our dearest uncle's cafe, sour puss to get some finger licking goodness. The bill was another story. HAH!

I thought this was photography but apparently i wasn't even ready for it at all. So it is candid. PURE CANDID i mean.
& while the other 2 ride off home on bikes, we got home the old fashion-ed way. TRAIN
I think trains are also one of the best inventions in this world.HAH
Alright, i have a camping trip with my mom's side tonight . leaving around midnight. Don't miss me too much okay! :D
OH WAIT before i forget, in about 2-3 hours time,
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