time check: 3.34
mood check: hungry and still widee awake.
" Why would i choose to pamper you with roses and chocolates and shower you with love on this day that everyone else is choosing to, which is so over-rated, when i can do so every day for the rest of my life?"
Since today, THE day, everyone's talking and buzzing about involves love, i'll just share with you my love then!:DDD
The people in my life currently involves many LOVE from me.
So, on wednesday i hanged out with Aqila since i just gotta tag along for her shopping day! haha. She just had to spend some dosh from her pay and the continouos cycle of money rolling in. But there's one thing i envy about her, she has this amazingly impossible skill to being able to actually control herself from paying for something. She did it. manymany times. Ohman, how i wish i've got it ! I NEED TO STOP MY AFTER-BUYERS REMORSE SOON OR I WILL GO BROKE ANYTIME NOW.
So, it was the usual shopping day out when we would laugh, have changing parades, bitching and yea, just a hell lot of fun(:
The funny thing about yesterday was, i spent more than her when its supposed to be AQILA'S day for splurging! HAHA. I really really sucked at it.
My idea. haha.
The latest trend in the (th)2 book.
& when we meet, some poses for the cell really exist. As a matter of fact, all the time. Right!

So the day after, I went to city square, johore bahru for a day trip with Rini and her mom. What a day indeed! Obviously, i really can't stand some acts but well, since my comments would be made global, i shall not go into details. Well, we know it, right rini?

So the day after, I went to city square, johore bahru for a day trip with Rini and her mom. What a day indeed! Obviously, i really can't stand some acts but well, since my comments would be made global, i shall not go into details. Well, we know it, right rini?
One of the best moments of that day was kenny rogers. I absolutely loved mac 'n' cheese, have i mentioned that? It's definitely a side dish that'll have me focused onto that rather than the main course itself.
& it's either they know that fact or they just like me, cause they gave me three HUGE bowlful of them :D
& then, the ever so greed-up rini asked for more desserts ( besides the muffins there, mind you) So after more roaming from popular to FOS to other random shops, we got ourselves into secret recipe which had delish cakes. I thought my stomach was gonna give in anytime soon when she wanted starbucks. I was lucky she was feeling the same way too. PHEW! HAHA.
God, so glamorous indeed.
appetizing enough?
Valentines day was spent for ps i love you with tessa and Aqila.OH.MY.GOD. Halfway through the movie, i had to pee REAL BAD like my bladder was gonna burst.LIKE. ANYTIME. but i controlled instead, don't know how i managed it but we walked out of the theatre walking like ugly ducklings amd crunch forward as if i was gonna give labour or something. You should have seen us. And oh ya, when i FINALLY got into the cubicle, it was as if some sort of tap was turn on! Alright, awkward TMI. LOL.
ANYWAY, OH GOD, ABSOLUTELY ENVY SWANK FOR BEING LOVED AS MUCHHHHH. The book was better , or so ive heard. BUT, the movie did well for me. Hilary swank was so gooood. LOVE is so complex and tough, yet it's one of the possessions all hoped and longed for. For those who had, will be lost in it and will never be forgotten. Man, V day's getting the mushed of me. HAHA. Eeeeee, Vday reminds me of lasty year's most unwanted one to recall, which was thrown away together with everything else including the most pushed away memories. OH WELL.
By the way, school's starting soooooooon. I can't wait! I really hope i'll make it to IJC. I hope i'll meet other cool beings on planet(:
it was then
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