It even surprises me that I can take my A levels next year.
It has been a year of surprises indeed. Okay, I’ll talk about that at the end of 2008, which is so heading towards reality real soon. I can’t wait for school to start though, maybe cause now I’m enjoying the surroundings like my minahs and my class. Still, I never said I wouldn’t want the holidays to be on the full swing!
Alright, so now that I have the ticket to J2, it’s about time I make a concrete decision. I’ve had really fluctuating mind sets since the middle of the year, and I was so sure of my decision back then. However, along the way of completing my mid course exams, I realised how much it meant for my parents that I continue this road of education. Ive been trying to run away and hide from that since the end of the exams, by being distracted with my social life. Nevertheless, I know this determines my future. My dad could be right but he could be wrong too. But I guess in life, you gotta make the best of everything. And another thing, this may be a mushy side, but I really don’t want to crush their hopes. So I’ll stay on for them =)
& for myself too of course, I love the people in IJ remember ?

I hope she's having an effed of a time in Europe! =)
Anyway, Friday night as always, town night. I met up with the usuals.
These are the people that can brighten up your night.
As always, with Jacq’s spastic jokes, Aqila and Cheryl’s spastic selves, I obviously had a pretty good night!
Oh while having dinner, jacq, cheryl and my food came and guess what Aqila asked the guy?
" err excuse me, my food ready already not?"
She will forever be the cute one to crack us up!
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