Thursday, December 27, 2007

Movie marathon turned out pretty welll today !

Aqila came over at my place around eleven . I was still half asleep cause i slept at like 4 the day before watching I AM LEGEND . Oh btw, IT IS AN AWESOME MOVIE, REALLY !:D CATCH IT SUSPENSE-WATCHING PEOPLE . YOU NEED THIS :D

Sooo,Cheryl couldn't make it cause of a last minute trip and tessa was tired from her day at work the day before . Its alright girls, join us for the next one okay ! Anyway, Aqila and I were so engrossed in the movies. 4 movies back to back . Its a pretty constructive thing to do indeed, i know. We started with Bratz then Disturbia, White chicks and uptown girls.


Its fucking good . Like suspense plus romance plus touching movie all in one . Its all about the package baby! And please don't start feigning ignorance about Shia Lebouf okay . After watching him covered in sweats and blood and woah, hotness ,in transformers, don't tell me you wouldn't want to see more of that . In disturbia, he's even covered in like courpse remainings and that was utterly hot and perfect ! :D HAHAHAHAHAHA IT WAS AWESOME .

Oh btw, Im so agreeing with Aqila that those "little miss shirts" are just so overrated that there should be one that says, " LITTLE MISS OVERRATED" . Omg. I cannot leave town without seeing someone or a group as a matter of fact ,wearing the same shirts, just with different headings. Its almost an eye sore. I had one and i use it for sleep . Beat that ! HAHAHA. Or maybe use it for wiping the floors ? UNLESS, yours is the genuine one, bought from Queen's Couture or something then that is pretty acceptable. NOT THE ONE THAT PEOPLE USUALLY BUY FROM BUGIS STREET FOR LIKE 10 to 20 bucks ? Oh come on , thats pretty much the ordinary town wear for everyone! HAHAHAHA Okay i am being mean. Alright alright i'll drop it, you can wear whatever you like. Just thought of sharing my opinion about a shirt that's unbelieveable undoubtedly too common among people. Still, the " MR " shirts are pretty cool :D


And sometimes i realised i make the best of choices.
Replies to tags:
suriani: oh yea i did! seee ya sooon in sch !
farihin: OH YEA . My brother literally said that ! Seriously. I was laughing tooo kay !
Rosazlin: linked babe! :D
Just A Guest : hey thanks! Hope to see you soon too. If i only knew who you are .HAHA
Fiq: HAHAHAHAHHA. Didnt i just saw you like last week or sth ?But hey, we'll meet up sooon! :D You call the rest la then tell me .
Kai: ME TOOOO! It was great seeing you again ! :D


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