" Don't know. don't care. don't count on it! "
Goodness! Jackson from Hannah montana is so retardedly hilarious! I swear, if i were to watch back to back episodes of it, i'll be laughing with tears pouring profusely!
Anyway, I know here's a big shocker. But i totally just came back from town with those superstars. Physics practical was surprisingly manageable since those experiments were very familiar as i practically memorized the entire planning of experiments from the practical file! Still, knowing how to do is actually really different from passing with flying colours.
I really hope i can maintain my prelim points of 12 !
I want to get to a really good junior college, please! :D
I want to get to a really good junior college, please! :D
I understand the pressure later but hey, it's for my own good! :D
SOOOOOOOO, despite ending around eleven plus , we were still quarantined due to cambridge's paranoia. Well, are we really that of a cheat ?
SO, right after it, i had to RUSH home to change out of my uniform and out meeting them. & i just went through the LONGEST AND MOST NERVOUS FILLED train ride in history of 16 years living!
It was totally nerve-racking!
Only the superstars will understand.
Damn, a sincere guy like him so worth the time :D
So, their hair turned out all fine,right ? :D
Then, to melepaskan rindu kepada town( OMG. I AM SO GETTING GOOD. HAHAHAHA), we just HAD to raid it! So OBVIOUSLY, a little window shopping wouldn't hurt i'm sure. &&& i just had to check out the new store in town !
OH GOSH, the prices are SUPER AFFORDABLE and the stuff are really chic.man, i can't wait for the angpows! REALLY/
Still,Grad night dress would be the top priority .
Then after roaming around and constant visits to the washroom, we call it a day ! :D:D
& i was there waiting anxiously. Oh, and til now, i've never cut my hair ANYWHERE ELSE besides my mom's usual saloon. Really.

My beatty superstar :D & i know she's thrilled from the end of her Ns!
farihin was literally attached to my J-14.
My deyi superstar :D
& i was looking for my beanie for my canada trip!
hair is always the first priority! :D
Sorry guys. HAHA
Meet the three K-PO girls alive! We were actually checking out this verbal fight between some indian girls. IT WAS NEVER ENDING, I SWEAR!
So, i was welcomed back with the m&ms eating and smoking under the void deck.
So, i was welcomed back with the m&ms eating and smoking under the void deck.
Goodnessgraciouslosers,if you really want to gobble those food up, will you like get your ass somewhere called HOME ?!
To be very honest, i'm not very pious myself but at least i know the basic of the religion!
Excuse me, is having a little respect for this sacred month so much to ask for ?
& ironically, they are the VERY FIRST to buy their costumes and celebrate for hari raya .
Damn, they are so lifeless.
It just irritates me, that's all.
SOO, my weekends was so awesome with my family! :D
Oh oh, the whole sunday and monday, i gave a cold shoulder to my brother .
You wanna know for what ?
But what won me over was, he treated me REALLY nice in the couple of days, knowing that i was unhappy with him.
Don't worry girls. Under my guidance, he WILL NOT, i repeat, WILL NOT, end up like any other mutts you see out there! HAHAHAHA.
Or i wouldn't acknowledge him, you'll seeeeeeeeeeeee.
& i took a really pretty sunset. As cliche as this may sound, don't sunsets just make life seem so possible in any way ? :D
Oh god, thanks for showing me what a real ass he really is.
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